() " (may be difficult) ϴ(be possible)" ϰ, () " , ƴ" Ѵ. ڴ µ (be like a thermostat), ڴ µ (be like a thermometer). ڴ ȹ, ڴ Ÿ (have an excuse) ٴѴ.
پ (a brilliant employee) ̷л(in theory) 鿡 ڱ ִ (an inspiration to colleagues) ž Ѵ. δ ߳ (in the presence of a high-flier) ٸ (put in worse performances) .
̷ 'Ÿ̰ ȿ' Ѵ. Ȳ 1(be far and away the world number one) 1999~2010, ٸ м ̱ 뽺ϴ ̸̴.
ְ (be at the peak of his powers) װ ȸ ٸ (other top-ranked players) Һ ߴ(shoot worse scores than usual). ݸ ȸ Ƿ ߴ(do themselves justice). 簡 Ͽ ġ (inhibit them) ̴. , ڵ ÷̸ (play their normal game) 캸 630( 72) (pocket nearly 6.3 million in additional earnings) ־.
̷ ָ ȿ( this remarkable effect) 忡 ( affect just as much a workplace) ִ. '̴ ' ȥ ( keep winning 'employee of the month') , ٸ Ϸ ϴ ( instead of trying to compete) ϴ ͵ ׳ ߴع. ְ ʽ ϸ( reward a top monthly salesperson with some bonuses or a prize) ų( increase everybody's effort) , δ ʴ( be not the case). ϸ( keep all the prizes to oneself), ٸ Ż ɼ ٴ( have little chance to take the prize) ϼ ƹ( slack off). ȸ ٸ غ( try harder) ʾҴ. ( a higher number of riskier shots) ؾ ̱ ִµ, 1~2Ÿ ٿ ϴ õ ̴. Դٰ ߸ϸ ⳪ ⸦ Ƿ ⸦ ġ ʻ̱( easily mess up the game) ̴. Ǵ ڷ ¾( be born a winner or loser) ʴ´. ϳ ڷ ¾. ڴ " ؾ Ѵ( must do something)" ϰ, ڴ " Ѵ( must be done)" Ѵ.